Auto Accidents

Auto accidents, unfortunately, occur everyday and for many different reasons; the list goes on and on. Steven Weitzen, a personal injury attorney in San Diego, successfully represents clients for many different kinds of accidents. It’s unfortunate enough if you are a victim of an auto accident. Dealing with the aftermath should be as quick and easy as possible.

Steven understands the importance of getting you what you rightfully deserve with as little stress as possible. If you experienced any kinds of injuries in San Diego, including shoulder injuries, contact Steven today.

Serious and permanent personal injuries can be life altering and very difficult for individuals and families to deal with. Make sure you do a few essential things after an accident to make the ordeal as pain free as possible. One of the most critical items is to get checked by a doctor. It’s very important to document any head, neck, spine or shoulder injuries you may have sustained, so it’s on record.

Next, at the scene of the auto accident, you want to make sure you obtain accurate information from the other parties involved. Getting the most current phone number and address should be a priority. It’s very expensive and time consuming to retrieve these pieces of information through a court summons. Read more detailed information about what steps to take on Steven’s “after an accident” page.

 If you want to be referred to a doctor for any serious and permanent personal injuries, Steven Weitzen will be happy to assist you during a FREE consultation. Contact Steve’s office today at: 619.338.0055